5 Best Spanish Olive Oil Gift Sets to Give (Christmas 2022)

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October 2022 – The Spanish Radish Blog

best Spanish Olive oil infographic

Discover the best Spanish olive oil and last minute Christmas gift ideas with this comprehensive article on what olive oil gift sets to buy your friends and loved ones this Christmas 2022.

In the Mediterranean, olive oil is often referred to as “liquid gold” and has been used since ancient civilizations. It’s highly revered for both its culinary contribution as well as its numerous health benefits and continues to be an integral part of the Mediterranean diet. As a gift, extra virgin olive oil is perfect for any foodie, budding chef, or anyone who’s looking for healthy produce to enjoy during the festive season.

Check out our article on 15 of the best Spanish extra virgin olive oils in 2023. It includes links to online shops where you can buy them overseas so you can try them too.


For more info regarding last-minute Christmas gifts, check the sites mentioned below!

a lady holds a small christmas gift wrapped in brown paper and tied with christmas string

Spanish Olive oil

Spain accounts for approximately 50% of the world’s olive oil production, so it’s no surprise that much of the top olive oil comes out of the country. For the oils we’ve chosen for you, we’ve looked at those that have achieved excellence, and are easy to buy in the US and many other countries. 

When it comes to choosing the best Spanish olive oil, you can’t go past Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or EVOO for short! Here’s a quick round up of the best olive oils that make ideal gifts this christmas 2022;

  • Oro Bailen (Family Reserve gift pack)
  • Oro del Desierto (Organic deluxe gift set)
  • Nobleza del Sur (Organic Day & Night gift set)
  • Rincón de la Subbética (with box)
  • Legado (Hojiblanca)

Keep reading the full article for all the best tips on the different features of each olive oil, where to buy, and the best gift sets available.

An olive tree ranch covered in dew

Olive oil gift packs or a single bottle?

Depending on who you’re buying for will likely influence what variety to buy but it should always be extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) since it’s the highest quality. If you have a friend, colleague, or loved one that you know has their favorite type of EVOO, then go ahead and buy them a bottle or two. If you’re not sure, a gift pack will always go down well. 

The thing about EVOO is that each variety has different flavors and can be used for different dishes. Some are much stronger than others and perfect when simply drizzled on some bread (or in pan con tomate) or over a quality hard Spanish cheese, whereas others have a lighter flavor that complement white fish and delicate ingredients better, so as not to overpower them. 

Main Spanish extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) varieties:

This table is a guide for common ways these EVOOs are integrated into meals, due to their flavor and intensity. However, there are many overlaps and you can choose which you use based on your preference. The specifics of the flavors will vary depending on the climate and soil where the olives are grown.


Flavor Profile*


Use For…


Sweet, slightly spicy


Pasta, salads, oily fish


Herbaceous, fruity, spicy, bitter


Frying and cooking, with meats


Fruity, sweet


Dressings, salads, seafood, veg 


Fruity, spicy, bitter


Roasts, stews

oil chart displaying various flavors and uses of olive oil

We’re going to give you some additional options too, but each of the following oils can be considered as some of the best olive oil from Spain. The EVOO producers also have other varieties you could consider buying, and you’re pretty much guaranteed the highest quality whatever you go for. The prices and links below are for if you live in the US. Olivarte is a fantastic online store that ships to Canada, Europe, and the US. It stocks EVOO from four of the five listed below, plus many other award-winning oils and products. 

extra virgin olive oil is poured from a large bottle into a small glass bowl

1.Oro Bailen (Family Reserve gift pack)

  • Region produced: Andalusia, Spain.
  • Grade: Extra virgin olive oil
  • Bottle size: (4 x) 8.5 oz / 250 ml.
  • Price: $59.95

Owned and operated by the Gálvez-Gónzalez family, Oro Bailen is produced in Andalusia, Spain’s most prolific and famous olive-growing region. This is an olive oil gift pack that’s beautifully presented and features four standout EVOOs. 

This Oro Bailen gift pack includes the following varieties:

  • Picual – This oil has a strong aroma and taste. It has a fruity flavor and aromas include apple, fig, and freshly cut grass.  
  • Hojiblanca – This class of oil is named after the tree because it has light-colored leaves. It also has a fruity flavor along with an aroma peppered with vegetable notes such as artichoke and fennel.  
  • Frantoio – This oil has a sweet flavor with hints of apple and kiwi, and becomes more balsamic on the palate to finish. Its aroma is fruity and includes green apples and kiwi.
  • Arbequina – This oil is mild and has an aroma of tropical fruits, sweet almonds, and bananas.

All of these olive oils won gold at the New York International Olive Oil Competition in 2022. Oro Bailen consistently wins awards for its extra virgin olive oils. This selection makes a great gift because the bottles come in a box and the glass used to store the oil is tinted, which preserves it for longer. 

The olive oil varieties make this the quintessential starter pack for sampling some of the best olive oil from Spain. The gift set costs $59.95 and each bottle is 8.5 oz / 250 ml. 

Oro Bailen Reserva Familiar Monocultivar Gift Set

a boxed gift set of 5 varieties of olive oil from Oro del Desierto


Oro del Desierto (Organic deluxe gift set)

  • Region produced: Andalusia, Spain.
  • Grade: Extra virgin olive oil
  • Bottle size: 3.4 oz / 100 ml.
  • Price: $49.95

Oro del Desierto is an award-winning olive oil producer in Andalusia. Oro del Desierto has been classified as the 3rd best olive mill in the world!

The Oro del Desierto organic deluxe gift set includes the following varieties:

  • Arbequina – With a light golden-yellow color, this oil is light and fruity with notes of celery, lettuce, and pine nut. Its aroma is made up of tropical fruits, bananas, basil, and parsley. 
  • Hojiblanca – This oil is fruity with a medium intensity. The aroma has notes of almond, ripe tomato, and banana. Its taste brings about hints of black pepper, basil, sage, and mint.
  • Picual – This oil is also fruity with a medium intensity. The aroma has tinges of black pepper, ripe tomato, banana, mint, and oregano. Its taste has vegetal notes and a stronger almond finish.
  • Lechin – Fruity and light, this oil’s flavor includes traces of almond and banana, and has a mildly sweet finish.
  • Coupage – This award-winning oil is a blend of Arbequina, Hojiblanca, and Picual olives. Its aroma is of freshly cut grass, green olive, tomato, citrus fruits, and dried fruits. Its taste is medium to smooth with a slightly spicy aftertaste. 

This Oro del Desierto organic deluxe gift set comes in an attractive and stylish box. Each bottle is opaque and 3.4 oz / 100 ml. The pack costs $49.95.

2 bottle of Rincón de la Subbética extra virgin olive oil sit beside gift boxes

3.Rincón de la Subbética (with box)

  • Region produced: Andalusia, Spain.
  • Grade: Extra virgin olive oil
  • Bottle size: 16.9 oz / 500 ml.
  • Price: $35.90

This extra virgin olive oil is produced by Almazaras de la Subbetica, located in Andalusia in mountainous terrain. Their mature olive trees and unique microclimate lead to an excellent quality olive oil that has won awards in many competitions. In 2022, it won the top awards at the London International Olive Oil Competition (Platinum award) and at the New York International Olive Oil Competition (Gold award). 

Ranked in the top 50 globally, this oil is a Hojiblanca and organic. It’s very fruity and the taste is originally sweet but finishes off moderately spicy on the palate. 

Rincón de la Subbética is available to buy via Olive Oil Lovers, and a 16.9 oz / 500 ml bottle costs $35.90.

two boxed bottles of olive oil sit on a white background

4.Nobleza del Sur (Organic Day & Night gift set)

  • Region produced: Andalusia, Spain.
  • Grade: Extra virgin olive oil
  • Bottle size: 16.9 oz / 500 ml.
  • Price: $69.95

Nobleza del Sur is a family estate in Andalusia. This producer boasts many award-winning extra virgin olive oils. This Christmas though, why not settle on the organic day & night gift set? The bottles’ designs have a more modern twist than traditional EVOOs but each comes in a very stylish box, making them perfect as a gift. 

Both of these EVOOs are also of superior quality and have won awards. Here’s how the contents of the two vary:

  • Nobleza del Sur Organic Day – Made from Picual olives, this olive oil has a fresh taste, a slight bitterness, and is moderately spicy to round it up. It pairs well with seafood, meats, and hard cheeses.
  • Nobleza del Sur Organic Night – Made from a blend of extra virgin olive oils, this olive oil is fruity and sweet. It works well with salads, for preparing sauces, and as a finishing oil on meats and fish. 

These are a particularly good option for those who are environmentally conscious. The producers chose their packaging carefully to highlight the issues of climate change and the overuse of pesticides. The Day bottle features a bee, and the Night bottle features a nocturnal butterfly, to represent the threat to the species’ population. 

The Nobleza del Sur Organic Day & Night gift set costs $69.90 and each bottle is 16.9 oz / 500 ml.

5.Legado (Hojiblanca)

  • Region produced: Andalusia, Spain.
  • Grade: Extra virgin olive oil
  • Bottle size: 16.9 oz / 500 ml.
  • Price: $37.95

Legado is produced by Hacienda de Colchado, where they have been producing olive oil for over three generations. The estate is found in Andalusia. 

This particular extra virgin olive oil is medium in taste and aroma. Its flavor has hints of almond, artichoke, grass, green tomato, and fig leaf. 

Legado has won a gold medal for the past seven years at the New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC). The size of the bottle is 16.9 oz / 500 ml and costs $37.95. The bottle is opaque, to ensure its sensory qualities remain unblemished for longer.

You can buy Legado’s Hojiblanca from The Best Olive Oils Marketplace (NYIOOC’s official shop).

Have you found the best Spanish olive oil to gift?

Well, they’re our five best Spanish olive oils tand offered some tips on what to get that budding chef or food lover in the family.

We hope you’ve found something just right for your giftee. If you’re still not sure, you can check out the Olive Oil Lovers site for more inspiration. They even have gift cards in case you really can’t decide.

Happy festive season to everyone!


Can you give olive oil as a gift?

Olive oil can make an excellent gift, especially if the recipient is a food lover or enjoys cooking. Extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs) are the highest quality, so are the best to give someone you care about. The taste and health benefits will be higher than other oils. 

What is the best olive oil to gift?

The best olive oil to gift is extra virgin olive oil. This is the highest quality so your recipient will benefit from premium taste and aroma, as well as all of the health benefits that it brings. Look for a bottle that is tinted or opaque as this is the best way to preserve the oil. 

Is olive oil a good Christmas gift?

A good quality extra virgin olive oil makes a great gift for an avid foodie or cook. The recipient doesn’t need to be a master chef to enjoy it because good olive oils can simply be added to dishes to improve their flavor (think salads, bread, dips, etc.).

What does olive oil as a gift mean?

Due to its high market value, many cultures see olive oil as a symbol of luxury. For this reason, gifting olive oil can often signify that the giver is offering good luck and prosperity. For many people, it’s simply a thoughtful gift to receive that won’t go to waste. 

What is the best quality olive oil in the world?

The best quality olive oil in the world is extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). It’s extracted using a cold-pressing method which allows it to better retain flavor and antioxidants. When choosing a high-quality oil, look for a bottle that’s tinted or opaque, which further preserves these qualities.

A landscape photo of the Andalusian city of Granada, Spain

Want to check out more produce from Spain?

Check out our regional foodie guides.

Our foodie guides are jam-packed with recipe ideas, travel tips, and where to find the best dishes in Spain.

Made for foodies by foodies.


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